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October 7, 2022
Follow these Healthy Practices & Upscale your Work Schedule!
October 31, 2022Self-sufficiency is a term that we, as humans, run after. However, self-sufficiency is not attainable until or unless we work towards it positively after analysing the crucial aspects of life. Self-sufficiency comes with a lot of effort but more than it, we require understanding; Understanding of the principles of life that lead us towards the greater good of life.
Here are 7 important principles that grownups nowadays must follow in order to become sufficient for themselves without troubling their health and career.
Look for Financial Independence Not Freedom from Parents
Most youngsters nowadays misinterpret the concept of freedom because they feel that their independence is hampered because of the restrictions drawn by their parents but the truth is far off than what they perceive. The best principle that one must teach themselves is the principle of financial independence and not freedom from our parents.
This itself is the biggest mistake, we as kids may make. Most young ones think that their parents are the reason why they are not able to take up challenging roles in life leading to wanting a life away from their parents. What exactly we want here is independence to make mistakes and freedom to pay our own bills without having anyone else do that for us.
This is generally a good practice but there are certain other aspects important for us. If you wish you stay self-sufficient, you need to understand the kind of independence you want actually and not something that you ‘presumably’ require.
Offer Equal Inputs in Finance and Household Chores
Many teenagers, including myself, thought that giving financial assistance to your family is all that one requires to offer, however, adulting gives us an idea of how essential it is to perform household chores. Therefore, instead of having your mother take care of all the house activities, do it yourself and witness great satisfaction at the end of the end.
There is no feeling greater than the feeling of being self-sufficient. Being able to offer assistance to your family in terms of finance as well as house help is a feeling that cannot be defined in words. This next principle is to balance the work for not only oneself but for the family too.
Anyone can become self-sufficient by doing work for themselves but it takes a lot of effort to take care of a complete family. This is where this principle is vital. Manage your housework and job or business hand-in-hand in order to make a great living sufficient for everything that one requires.
Make Savings a Regular Habit
Savings are a great way to plan the future, especially in times of emergencies such as medical care. Mostly, youngsters never plan their future because generally, no one plans for emergencies which is quite normal. However, savings must be practised as a regular habit and not out of advice from elders.
Firstly, one needs to understand the need to save for the future. Saving can not always be termed as putting some money aside in a piggy bank so that one can use it for the future. Even rich people term saving money as an essential aspect of building wealth as well as securing the future financially.
Savings can be in form of buying gold or silver assets, investing in shares or cryptocurrency, etc. Making savings a regular habit is an excellent way to plan the future or secure it in a certain way.
Seek Advice from People who Hold Importance in your Life, Not Society
The sphere of adulting brings baggage of responsibilities, roles, and hopes. However, more than these, it also brings the weight of the advice of people around us, advice about family, job, money, life and whatnot. The more we hear them out, the more we tend to stress out in life. We tend to take the advice of society too seriously, so much so that it starts negatively affecting our mental health. The next principle is something that every young person should teach our own selves.
We take society way too seriously and our decisions start depending upon a society that does not care about us in general, instead, we must seek advice from people who hold greater importance in our lives such as parents, siblings and teachers. The original wellwishers of our lives are our families and teachers and thus, one must seek advice from them because they will offer us unbiased opinions based on what may be good for us and our future.
Grown adults may seem quite experienced in life, but the truth is they aren’t too adults not to have any advice from their parents. The new-age knowledge of the grownups coupled with the excellent life experience of the adults may result in a great outcome. Therefore, another principle of your life in order to get self-sufficient is to get advice from people who matter not society.
Understand the Nature of Life more than People
UNPREDICTABLE. This is what life is. And this is what we must learn and study. While we waste half our lives to impress and understand other people of our life, we forget the more important aspect of life which is to understand the nature of life we are blessed with. The forthcoming challenges may raise questions about our existence and other big stuff but the more we think of life as a challenge, the less difficult it becomes to handle it.
Valuing Money Never Means You are Poor
The new age has brought its own way of showoff which disturbs the core principle of not only life but finance too. From wearing expensive clothes to looking presentable all day long, every aspect of the new-age corporate scenario requires money. In the current times, most grownups think that saving or valuing money is an act followed by only poor people.
I still remember how great my parents told me that valuing money and saving it for future purposes is never a bad idea. Quality of life and sustainability are two vital aspects that only come when one practices valuing money. No matter how much we earn per month, as long as we value every penny we earn, we are on the right track in life.
There will be many people or peers who will tell you to live in today which one should but never forget the value of tomorrow while living too much in today. Try balancing it out. Never let peer pressure put pressure on your pockets. Valuing money is one of the modern-day life principles that one must follow.
Be Physically and Mentally Active
The last but yet the most crucial principle, especially for grownup adults who are currently in the growing stage of their lives and career. The sedentary lifestyle and the tensions of our careers altogether lead to a lot of pressure in life. Keeping up with the fitness levels of our bodies is also one way to improve our quality of life.
It wouldn’t be wrong to remind you that health is also wealth. The youngsters of today are the future of our country and if the future is fit and healthy, the country has more chances to achieve greatness in life. Improving our physical and mental health is a way of reducing in development of several diseases such as blood sugar levels, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, etc.
These 7 important principles of life are enough to make sure that you are living a life sufficient for not only yourself but your family too.